Engineer Department

The Shelby County Engineer is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the Secondary Road System of Shelby County, Iowa. This road system is made up of approximately 960 miles of road and nearly 250 bridges. The roads range from Level C dirt roads to asphalt or concrete paved roads. The bridges span the classifications of structurally deficient, functionally obsolete all-wooden structures to new concrete and steel.

In order to maintain the roadways, Shelby County is divided into ten motor grader (patrol/blade/maintainer) districts. Each motor grader has approximately 180 lane miles of road to work, keeping in the best driving condition possible for both summer and winter. Maintenance on our roadways is governed by ordinances according to the class of roadway and the situation: Level A & B, Level C, winter road maintenance, and use of road right-of-way. A couple of our more commonly questioned policies include 'field entrances' and ‘tile crossings.’

If we can be of assistance, or you have any questions, please contact us.

County Resources and MapsFormsOrdinances

Engineer Department's office staff includes:

Chris Fredericksen - P.E. Engineer

Trevor Guyett - Assistant Engineer

Ann Wolken - Office Manager

Contact Information

Shelby County Courthouse
612 Court Street
Harlan, Iowa 51537

Chris Fredericksen - County Engineer, PE
Trevor Guyett - Assistant Engineer