Commissioner of Elections

In 1972 the County Auditor was given an additional title of Commissioner of Elections by the legislature. In addition to federal, state, and county elections, the Commissioner of Elections then assumed the duties of all city, school, and special elections.

The Commissioner prepares and supervises the printing of ballots and/or programming of voting machines, as well as orders all election supplies. The Commissioner conducts Schools of Instructions, according to law, for all precinct election officials and is responsible for their employment on Election Day. The Commissioner also prepares and monitors the processing of all absentee ballots in order to aid voters who will not be voting at the polls on Election Day.

As Custodian of the Election Returns and Records, the Commissioner certifies the results to the state or subdivision involved and issues certificates of election to the proper persons.

Other duties of the Election Commissioner include:

  • Acting as Receiving Clerk for nomination papers and public measurers to be placed on the ballot.
  • Acting as Clerk of the County Board of Election Canvassers and Special Precinct Board.

Information for Candidates

Information for Voters

For more information on the Auditor as Commissioner of Elections:

Election Results

In 1975 the Auditor became the County Registrar of Voters with the implementation of a state-wide voter registration law. The Auditor is responsible for maintaining the current records of residents desiring to vote and purging the records of those no longer eligible to vote. The Auditor is then able to prepare the necessary lists of qualified voters for each election.


Contact Information

Shelby County Courthouse
612 Court Street
Harlan, Iowa 51537

Taryn Knapp
712-755-3831 ext. 6