Fishing Hunting Deer & Turkey Licenses

Fishing & Hunting

All licenses resident or nonresident may be purchased from the county recorder in most counties or from any DNR vendor who sells licenses through the Electronic Licensing Systems in Iowa (ELSI) or online from the DNR. Please feel free to stop in our office anytime to pick up the most recent regulations book.


Iowa residents and nonresidents 16 years of age and older are required to have a valid fishing license on their person while fishing and have paid all applicable fees. For exceptions to a fishing license please stop in our office and pick up a current Iowa Fishing Regulations book.


Iowa residents 16 years of age and older and nonresidents regardless of age, are required to have a valid Hunting License on their person, and have paid all applicable fees, and possess all required stamps while hunting game or participating in the hunt. For exceptions, please stop in our office and pick up a current Iowa Hunting & Trapping regulations book.


All residents and nonresidents regardless of age must have a Furharvester License to trap or hunt fur-bearing animals. Residents 16 to 64 years of age must also have paid the Habitat Fee. Coyote and groundhog may be hunted with either a hunting or furharvester license. More information may be obtained from one of our Hunting & Trapping regulations books.

Deer and Turkey Hunters - Residents

Residents and nonresidents who hunt deer or wild turkeys must have a valid resident or nonresident deer or wild turkey license on their person while hunting. Residents must also have a valid resident Hunting License and have paid the Habitat Fee if normally required to have them to hunt. All nonresidents must have a valid nonresident Hunting License and have paid the Habitat Fee.

Deer and Turkey Hunters – Nonresidents

All nonresidents regardless of age must have a valid nonresident deer or wild turkey license, in addition to a valid hunting and habitat license on their person while hunting. Nonresident hunters are not eligible for Landowner Tenant licenses.

Landowner-Tenant Licenses

Iowa residents who are owners of agricultural land or tenants that farm agricultural land are eligible for reduced fee deer and wild turkey hunting licenses. Applicants must have registered with the Iowa DNR before they are eligible to purchase these licenses.  

Additional Informaiton

Contact Information

Shelby County Courthouse
612 Court Street
Harlan, Iowa 51537

Geralyn S. Greer
712-755-5640 ext. 4